Freelancer Spotlight: Tiera T.

Tiera T. has been a designer for about six years and decided to take on the profession full-time a little over two years ago. “I started realizing that everything I had been doing as hobbies was all part of graphic design. I started without realizing I was starting, and just went with it.”

In addition to freelancing with ConceptDrop, Tiera currently works for Chefs Plate in Toronto, Canada as a print designer. Though most of her experience has been with large Pharma and market research, she has had wide experience with various companies. As a freelance designer, she enjoys being able to make her own hours and the ability to control where she works. “As cliche as that is, being able to make my own hours is wonderful. Being able to control when and where I work from, how much or how little I do, and still balance it around a 9-5 is pretty ideal too.

After deciding she wanted to freelance on the side of her current job, Tiera began applying to other online marketplaces. “I was getting really tired of applying to smaller jobs that thousands of other people were applying for. ConceptDrop seemed like a great idea that was too good to be true.” Since joining ConceptDrop, Tiera is matched with projects perfect for her skill set. “It turned out to be a great decision, and I really couldn’t see myself going back to the process from before.”

So far, one of her favorite projects she’s done through ConceptDrop is an infographic created for Blackbaud. Tiera appreciated the platform’s ability to communicate effectively with the clients and found Blackbaud’s feedback organized and concise, making the collaboration process very easy. The client couldn’t have agreed more, Blackbaud wrote in response to her five-star design, “Tiera was a pleasure to work with- very detailed and responsive. Would love to be matched with her again!”

For inspirations, Tiera looks towards her big city of Toronto. “Again with the cliches, but I look everywhere around me. I live in one of the largest cities in North America, it’s hard not to walk down the street without seeing something that can inspire you, whether its a sentence someone wrote with sharpie, or just a specific view of the city.”

As a freelancer, her advice to others is to always believe in your skills.”Keep creating and work will find you- no one got anywhere by just thinking about it.”

View some of Tiera’s five-star designs below.

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