A Marketer’s Wishlist for Santa

Kids shouldn’t be the only ones who are allowed to write down what they would like from Santa Claus. This holiday season, we put together our own wish list for the ideal presents to wake up to on the 25th:

  1. Strategies>presentations

When it comes to running or representing a business, putting together last minute presentations, flyers, social graphics, etc. can get in the way. This year, Santa Claus, we’re really hoping for an extra hour in the day dedicated to the values that go behind business policy planning. Sure, we know how to put together a good PowerPoint (and you can read about our gratitude for that here), how to captivate a room, how to get our points across. At the same time, Santa, could we get a 13th hour on the clock for putting more heart and soul into some goal-achievement action?

  1. Illustrator Skills

Santa, we love our designers and the work they put into creating the most captivating materials possible for us. At the same time, we’d love to learn how to edit those designs rather than send a list of picky suggestions back to them after a first draft. This year, we’d really like to wake up the day after Christmas and know the basics of Illustrator to be able to make those changes ourselves. We have visions and it would be nice to get some hands-on crafting knowledge to make those visions a reality.

  1. Punctuality       

Dear Santa, we also love our customers, but it would be fantastic in the upcoming new year if we got a little more than one day’s notice for when certain projects are due. We’d appreciate a bit more leeway when it comes to these deadlines and notifications so that we can do our jobs not only on time, but well.

  1. Keyword Convenience

As marketers, we know the importance of SEO and keywords in digital promotion, Santa. So this year, we’d really love a tool that can get this right every time, something that could pair related keywords together so that our sites and promotional materials appear at the top of the search engine world every time.

  1. An awesome design service

Christmas is coming and we’re running out of time before the holiday vacation to finish up some last-minute work with outstanding production. As we mentioned in wish #1, we are looking for extra time to focus on our company’s values instead of fixing small, end-of-the-year projects. We’d like a design service that can help us during this brief crunch so we can cruise into 2018.    

ConceptDrop may not be Santa Claus, but we can certainly try to help you with that last item. Send over your design and copy needs when you’re at the eleventh hour. We can deliver within a 24-hour time period, just in time for holidays, with the quality you’re looking for. Happy holidays from all of us here at ConceptDrop!

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