Freelancer Spotlight: Callie H.

Callie H., a ConceptDrop Creative, was introduced to design by her uncle after excelling in the subjects of art and photography in school. She landed her first graphic design gig during her second year of college and has now been a designer for 12 years.

“After graduation, I was very lucky to be sought out by a local print and design shop, iSolutions.” Callie was hired to run the business for the owners who both had other full-time jobs. Other jobs she’s had prior to working with ConceptDrop include work in the field of market research, where she learned her mastery of tools such as PowerPoint.

Callie enjoyed market research, but found she was looking for work that was more client-focused, “All the work I did was for the company, and not for the clients…” Callie shifted her focus to freelancing, where she found her favorite part to be “getting to work on projects that I find interesting and with people that are just as passionate about the work as I am.”

ConceptDrop was a good fit as she not only had the opportunity to work with passionate clients but also found an easy way to freelance that didn’t require much logistical work. “I love that ConceptDrop takes all the admin work out of freelancing.”

So far, her favorite project completed with ConceptDrop has been with The Cheeley Consulting Group. “Working with Ron and Dorothy was an absolute pleasure. They had a clear direction they wanted to go.” Callie appreciated the straightforward instructions provided by the clients, which made changes an easy task and lead to the creation of a high-quality presentation. The Cheeley Consulting Group responded, “Callie did a great job. The presentation looked excellent. Callie was very personable, very responsive, successfully captured all our comments and delivered on time. Five stars!”

The Cheeley Consulting Group are not the only clients who have noticed her high caliber work and professionalism. For instance, All Weather Windows wrote that “Callie was great to work with. [She was] very responsive and made changes very quickly. Her design template was right on and she did extra research.”

To find inspiration for her designs Callie looks absolutely everywhere. She finds it in nature, the city, down the street. She firmly believes that design is all around us. “ I can’t get two feet, even in my own apartment, without seeing different designs.”

Take a look at some of Callie’s work below!

Callie Work Example Callie Work Example Callie Work Example Callie Work Example

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