When To Delegate Tasks – Questions You Should Ask Yourself Before You Assign To Your Team

Having the ability to recognize when to delegate is critical for good leadership.

But for certain people, this presents a significant issue. Managing the team is one thing; delegating tasks to members is another because most entrepreneurs want things done their way.

If you resonate with that, it’s normal to feel this way; however, doing everything on your own is not sustainable in the long run.

If you want to grow your business, building and fostering trust with your team is crucial, as is having the ability to delegate well.

What you can do is create a calculated strategy to succeed at delegation.

Being strategic entails understanding the what, when, and how of delegation rather than simply grabbing a shovel and throwing work at your team.

Think of these questions when creating a plan to delegate:

  • What may and cannot be delegated?
  • When to delegate and when not to?
  • How do you delegate tasks effectively?

Is Delegation The Right Solution For You?

If you’re asking when to delegate tasks, one of the common signs is when you have too many mundane duties to do that you don’t have time for more important matters, such as the core of your business.

Therefore, you should try to assign as many of these tasks as you can. By doing this, you put yourself and your team in a win-win situation.

But some jobs just aren’t suited for outsourcing.

Asking yourself the following questions can help you decide when delegation is most appropriate.

man congratulating woman for getting the job
  • Is this task valuable to your business or is it something that can be completely done away with? Make sure the tasks will benefit your firm before you delegate them to someone else because there is no use in delegating them if they won’t.
  • Determine whether the task suits your skills. Can you pass this on to someone else who is more capable of doing the job instead? For instance, you need to design graphics for social media content, but you’re not skilled at it. It makes sense to just find someone else from your team or outsource this from a trusted agency.
  • Is this a recurring task that will happen more than once?
  • Do you have the time and bandwidth to assign the work effectively? Can you provide training, answer questions from the team or individual, check its progress, evaluate the tasks and rework if necessary?

If you answer yes to one or all of these questions, then it’s time to delegate!

For more tips on how to delegate and grow your business, visit our website to learn more.

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