International Women’s Day 2018

In case you didn’t know, March 8th is International Women’s Day: a day to celebrate the achievements of women worldwide. At ConceptDrop, we love to highlight our creatives and creative professionals. So, in honor of this celebratory day, we decided to feature a few outstanding women in the technology and marketing industry that you should definitely keep on your radar.

  1. Social Media Marketing Guru: Mari Smith

Mari Smith, as her Twitter (@MariSmith) bio states, is a social media thought leader and one of Facebook’s top marketing experts. She has over 540,000 followers on Twitter and is not only a marketer but a skilled keynote speaker. She also provides services to business professionals such as webinars and consulting training for businesses wishing to improve their marketing platforms. She has written several books on her field, such as The New Relationship Marketing: How to Build a Large, Loyal, Profitable Networking Using the Social Web. We praise Mari Smith for being an innovator in social media marketing, a particularly difficult area in which to excel since this niche of marketing is still being developed and discussed daily.

  1. Trailblazing the Tech Scene Demographic: Susan Wojcicki

Susan Wojcicki (@SusanWojcicki) is the CEO of YouTube. According to Forbes, she is attempting to close gender barriers and, since assuming her role as the chief executive officer, “she has increased the number of female employees there from 24% to 30%.” She makes our list because she is in a top technological position and promoting women to excel in this area. She makes our list for holding such a prestigious position in the technology industry and for advocating for women’s rights in this field as well.

  1. A Design Legend: Margaret Calvert

Margaret Calvert was recently profiled in Design Week. She is a typographer and designer who is known for redesigning the road sign system in the UK, which, according to this article, “replaced the chaotic mishmash of different typefaces and symbols commissioned by various bodies that existed previously.” Her designs not only contributed to her country on a visual level but on a safety level as well. Other designers mentioned in this article include Hella Jongerius, Paula Scher, and Susan Kare.  

  1. An Entrepreneurial Investor: Angela Lee

Angela Lee (@angelawlee) is under forty but is already quite accomplished. praises her for founding 37 Angels, a gathering of women investors. The goal of the company is “to train women to invest in early-stage startups. The network funds early-stage startups led by both men and women and evaluates over 2,000 startups a year.” We thank Angela Lee for representing both genders of business but promoting women to fund up and coming markets.

  1. Managing Microsoft: Julia White

Julia White (@julwhite) is the Microsoft Corporate Vice President. Like Mari Smith, she is a skillful keynote speaker and representative of a major technology company. She leads product management for the Cloud Platform, according to Crunchbase. The site also writes, “In this function, Julia is responsible for the value proposition of the Cloud Platform, global go to market strategy, customer engagement.” Julia White is a graduate of Harvard school of business and is on our inspiring women list for her innovation and leadership in a field that is often underrepresented by women.

If you’re interested in reading about more inspiring women, you can view our inspiring women from 2017 post here.


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