In the first part, we presented the essential designing tips that you must try to create effective PowerPoint Slides for your audience: Useful Tips For Creating Effective PowerPoint Slides [Part 1]; so let’s explore a little more so you can learn five more designing tips to put in your PowerPoint presentation.
Everyone has known and heard the phrase, “A picture is worth a thousand words.” As the saying goes, it is often simpler to depict something with a picture than to describe it in words, but in PowerPoint-land, it seems quite the opposite. “A thousand words are worth a thousand pictures” seems quite appropriate.
When creating PowerPoint presentations, a presenter typically makes errors by being overly enthusiastic and applying all of their knowledge. The slides contain a lot of text, which the presenter reads aloud. This explains why PowerPoint slides appear grimy and static in appearance. A chance squandered!
PowerPoint Presentation is an excellent option if your presentation needs a graphic punch, collaboration software, or even the ability to share data beyond the meeting held.
Here are five more PowerPoint Slide tips for you to consider:

Screenshots or diagrams? Make use of mock-ups!
Usually, screenshots, diagrams, and schemes won’t help your presentation. They create uninteresting slides with excessive information and detail, even though the content is typically essential to your story. Combine the diagram, scheme, and screenshot with an image to quickly fix these slides.
Showing data on your slide? Visualize these as much as possible!
When your presentation contains much information, visuals rather than text may help you convey that information more effectively. Graphs may yield the results you’re looking for. In PowerPoint, numerous “donut graphs” are great for comparisons. Consider displaying the percentages in the graph’s center with a donut graph. In this manner, your intended audience will understand what you mean.
Simplify Your Tables As Much As Possible
Tables are frequently filled with information and figures. The slide consequently appears crowded and disorganized. In this situation, keeping the tables as straightforward as possible is crucial. Eliminate any unnecessary outlines, colors, or borders. When designing tables, remember the phrases “keep it simple” and “less is more.”
Minimize The Variety Of Transitions
After creating one, most people conclude that it is boring or static. At this point, they began to employ transitions. The presentation is then “breathed life” with a variety of transitions. But that is not how you must deal with it. PowerPoint has the most varied transitions, often perceived as confusing and childish. A simple ‘fade’ effect of transitioning from slide to slide is sufficient. Again, the old phrase “less is more” applies.
Solely Use Basic Coloring
Colors are frequently used to add ‘flair’ to the slide. Consider your target audience and the presentation’s goal when selecting colors. Using vibrant colors in a PowerPoint presentation for a primary school is appropriate. Nonetheless, in a formal setting, you must define your colors based on your intended audience.
These are the tips you should do when creating slides to become more effective.